Can't wait to learn how these new pictures beginning to surfacehave been "manipulated" or photoshopped" or "hacked" into Weiner's accounts. A few questions immediately jump into my mind.
- Think the Congressman is squirming at this point?
- How many other women will now come forward, ala Tiger Woods?
- How long before his wife leaves their home, to go "spend some time with my ailing parents"?
- Will there be an ethics inquiry?
- Will Weiner do the right thing, and resign?
- How long before Weiner gets called in the office, to discuss his future with the Democrat Party?
I'm sure that the slow release of these images has got Weiner twisted up, as he wonders what will surface next. Of course, if he never sent anything inappropriate, he has nothing to worry about.
Can't wait to watch him try and spin this away. It's over, Congressman. Fess up, resign, and go be a lobbyist somewhere.