When people who feel they are intellectually superior show their stupidity.
Take this post, for example:
So it has been with me and making fun of Republican talking points. I can't take this stuff farther than the Republicans already are! For example Ted Cruz. Cruz just completed a 22 hour "filibuster" (not an actual filibuster, because it didn't delay a vote and had no parliamentary purpose) in which he warned that voting for cloture on "Obamacare" {I'm putting quotes around the word because Cruz seems to have gone out of his way to avoid referring to an actual law such as the Affordable Care Act) would be a disaster for America. During the speech, he cited Green Eggs and Ham; which he described as a story about someone who simply didn't like something and refused to eat it, much like Americans simply don't like "Obamacare."
How sincere was he, this Ted Cruz fellow? For one thing, at the end of that Dr. Seuss classic, the protagonist tries Green Eggs and Ham and discovers he LOVES IT! IT'S HIS FAVORITE THING! HE'LL NEVER EAT ANYTHING ELSE! And an hour after he was done, Cruz voted for cloture, just like everyone else in the senate. Clearly he wants Obamacare AND he wants to trick you into thinking he doesn't, but he needs wiggle room for later.
See? Cruz is so stupid, he didn't even know what he was doing! What a buffoon!
Reality of course, helps make things more clear.
I guess I can't fault our friends on the Left too much, after all, they are spoonfed what to think and say, without taking a second to ask themselves "Hey, why doesn't this make sense? Why would this guy stand around talking for that long, and then vote for it?"
If they did pause, before following blindly off the cliff, and do a little research, they'd understand what Cruz had always supported:
But Cruz, all along had promised to support the motion proceed, but to filibuster the next cloture motion -- the Motion to Invoke Cloture on the resolution itself. In other words, Cruz favors moving into debate on the CR, but not cutting off debate on the CR.
Here were Cruz's words last night:
The central vote the Senate will take on this fight will not occur today and it will not occur tomorrow. The first vote we are going to take on this is a vote on what is called cloture on the motion to proceed. Very few people not on this floor have any idea what that means and even, I suspect, a fair number of people on this floor are not quite sure what that means. That will simply be a vote whether to take up this bill and to begin debating this bill. I expect that vote to pass overwhelmingly, if not unanimously. Everyone agrees we ought to take this up, we ought to start this conversation.
The next vote we take will occur on Friday or Saturday and it will be on what is called cloture on the bill. That is the vote that matters. Cloture on the bill, the vote Friday or Saturday, is the vote that matters.
My colleague Joel Gehrke explains the fuller context.
Here's a little more explanation:
Here's the procedural background: There are two cloture votes before the final vote on whether the Senate will pass the continuing resolution that defunds Obamacare, which the House already passed. Cruz arranged to speak for as long as possible; the Senate rules allow for up to 30 hours of debate after cloture is filed, but the senators sometimes agree unanimously to shorten that debate. Because Cruz opted to object, though, he extended the debate to the full 30 hours. Once those 30 hours concluded, though, he had to yield the floor whenever Reid decided to call the vote.
Doesn't quite fit the Leftist narrative that those Republicans are so stoopid, does it? But hey, why let those pesky facts get in the way, right?
Don't forget the main reason for Cruz' 21-hour gab: to draw attention to an issue. Which he did. Successfully.
The point of a talking filibuster is to call attention to an issue, not achieve a decisive policy victory. In keeping with that goal, Cruz ended his performance today by asking that the second cloture vote --- the one that would end debate on the continuing resolution (today's vote officially began the debate) --- take place on Friday. Cruz explained that he thought he would have a greater chance of succeeding if the Senate voted during the work week rather than on Saturday, when most true patriots are watching college football.
In the end, the guy who claimed Cruz was slowing things down, decided not to move the vote up, but instead delayed the vote himself:
Reid objected to moving up the vote to end debate, despite his stated concern that they won't have time before the government is scheduled to run out of money to debate whatever bill the House responds with after the Senate strips out the language to defund Obamacare.
But Cruz is the moron, right?
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