First case of confirmed Ebola on US soil, in Dallas. Seems someone was traveling commercially from West Africa to Texas, and brought the virus to the United States.
I remember not too long ago, someone telling me how I was overreacting, and that the chances of being exposed to the virus was next to nothing. I think I was also accused of "rooting for Ebola".
How many people are now looking back to when they passed through the DFW airport, and are wondering if they came in contact with this "unnamed person"?
I wonder if folks around the Country are now asking how prepared their local hospitals are to deal with an Ebola-stricken patient?
They're probably just over-reacting, right? It's not like this is the worst outbreak ever, or anything.
Makes you wonder if there have been other infected passengers that have landed in the US or other previously unaffected Countries, doesn't it?
I wonder if the Feds have reached out to everyone that was on the Dallas patient's flight, and had them tested yet. If not, what are they waiting for?